How To Move Forward When You Feel Stuck

Do you ever feel STUCK?

Over the past 12 months I’ve worked with over 30+ Mums looking to navigate changes in their lives; be that working on the “stuck” feeling, wanting a pivot in their career or simply improving their personal development.  All of them are incredible women, and what I’ve noticed that they all have in common is that they do not give themselves the credit they deserve for doing such an amazing job as a mother, and what great role models they are to their children.  It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut and unable to see the way out, but the good news is that’s it’s just as easy to get unstuck!

As mothers, we have invested profoundly in our children – physically, mentally and emotionally – but not always in ourselves and this is the root cause.  I use the oxygen mask analogy with every client that I speak to – you have to fit your own before you can help someone else.  You can’t give from an empty cup… but it’s easy to refill!

What I love about coaching, is that client has the answers already, as the coach I provide the space in which they can think freely and talk about themselves – no judgements, or hidden agendas.  My clients realise as they speak aloud that they know what they need to do, the small changes they can make for themselves which bring about huge differences that benefit all the family. 

The key to getting unstuck is beginning anywhere - making a small change here and a small change there, stepping out of their comfort zone and above all practising self care is essential to this.

My top 3 Tips

  • Selfcare

Fit your own oxygen mask first; eat well, drink lots of water, sleep and if you need a daytime nap with the kids- have one!  Talk to yourself like you would to your best friend.  Put yourself first to ensure that you can look after your little ones. Prioritising yourself means taking your own needs into serious consideration, knowing your limits and taking a step back before it gets overwhelming and asking for help when you need it (this shows strength and courage, don’t be tricked into thinking otherwise).  Good selfcare helps refresh your mind and body.

  • Make small changes

Start anywhere, take some action and you’ll feel instantly happier.  Think about the things that fill you with energy and make sure they feature in your week (e.g. regular exercise slot, fresh air, meeting friends).  Equally, the things that drain you of energy, try to cut those out (limit those as much as possible, do this with timeframes even). Evaluate what makes you feel stuck -a simple change to daily routine works wonders)and see what small changes are possible, implement them straight away and notice the impact instantly.

  • Step out of your comfort zone

Don’t mistake your comfort zone for your happy place! Stretch yourself, step out of your comfort zone and see the magic happen. Never be afraid to try something new, because there is nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Don’t make decisions about new things based on fear, make them on hope and possibility and what is the best that can happen. Embrace change and say YES to things, step out of your comfort zone and you’ll see that you can do anything that you really want to!


Do More of What Makes YOU Happy


Imposter Syndrome