Hey there! I’m Liz!

ICF ACC Accredited Life Coach, mum of two little ones, former lawyer and a people person!

What lights me up is talking to women like you and hearing YOUR incredible stories! 

I love finding out what makes you tick, helping you think through what you really want from life, and empowering you to reach your goals. 

I’m passionate about seeing women grow and glow with confidence, so they can achieve their dreams!

Before I qualified as a Coach, I spent over ten years as a solicitor in the hospitality industry in London. Whilst I loved the glitz and glamour of attending clients’ opening nights in the West End, I realised what truly motivated me was the clients themselves… the people. I loved getting to know the challenges they were facing and helping them find a positive way to move forward.

It was the same during my year studying at the University of California, Berkeley. Living in a different country and exploring a different landscape was SO rewarding. But ultimately, that year was all about the people I met along the way.

Following the arrival of my two children, it hit home that the long hours I spent commuting into London were no longer the right fit for me.

I was drained and exhausted and felt like I was constantly being pulled in different directions. 

I was desperately trying to hold on to my identity as a successful, independent woman. But at the same time, I wanted to be the best mum I could be for my children. I was falling short on both fronts (or at least I thought I was!)

Something had to give.

So in early 2020, I decided it was time to call time on the legal world and follow my own dreams of becoming a coach. 

I retrained whilst juggling corporate London life with being a mum to my two lovely but energetic little ones (one of which I was homeschooling. Thank you, lockdown!)  

EJF Coaching was officially born on New Year’s Day 2021 when I finally hit ‘public’ on my brand-new Instagram account!

Like some of the best things in life, it wasn’t planned.

I was chilling on the sofa after finishing my job as a lawyer the day before, and I thought, “Why the hell not! What have I got to lose?” Turns out nothing, as I got my first client that same day. (Sometimes you just have to go for it, right?!)

Now, I’m SO excited to hear your story… to understand your hopes and dreams… and to help you get the absolute best out of your life!

Because you are a fabulous human, and you totally deserve it!

Are you ready to go after what you really want?

Yes? Then book a free call to find out how I can help you. No strings attached!

“Everybody needs a Liz in their life! Liz is easy-going, positive and a great person to chat about life with. She’s a busy mum of two and she gets the juggle. For me, she was the perfect person to play out my challenges with - we talked about rediscovering my career to emptying the dishwasher and everything in between!”

- Sarah, Senior Merchandiser

Thanks for making it this far down the page! Here are 10 more personal, juicy snippets for you!

  • I’ve done a skydive and a bungee jump! I did the bungee in Costa Rica while volunteering in an orphanage for a month.

  • The summer after law school, I spent a month in Barca with my best friend "learning" Spanish. We didn’t learn much, but we had an absolute blast!

  • I have a penchant for Champagne! So much so that we went to Champagne for a tasting on my hen!

  • I worked as an in-house lawyer for a West-End theatre company, and I’ve walked the red carpet for Olivier Awards!

  • I adore naps - I swear by them!

  • I love to travel, and saying no to a holiday is almost impossible!

  • I met my husband, Brett, on a skiing holiday.

  • I can’t beat looking at a sea view… it's my ideal!

  • I love grabbing coffee during the day (and wine in the evening!) with my girlfriends.

  • I’m a big fan of spinning classes. I have a bike at home but use it in fits and bursts!!

Want to find out more about how I can help you?! Then let’s chat!