• This is such a big statement but Liz really has changed my life! I will forever be grateful to her for helping me make a huge change in my professional life, leaving a job where I absolutely loved the role but felt the company wasn’t the right fit for me. Liz helped me make the big decision to leave and set my own company up, which is what I am doing now and I couldn’t be happier! Liz gave me the courage and confidence to leave. She helped me work out a plan of action to achieve my goal, she was totally amazing and I feel so lucky to have her support.

    Jane, Business owner

  • "Working with Liz was nothing short of EPIC! From the get go, it was amazing to see that she just gets it when it comes to juggling career, life, motherhood & yourself. She came into my life when I was going through a lot of change and she helped me see things clearly. When something big happened that wasn’t planned and out of my control, Liz reminded me that I actually wanted that and even had it in the amazing notes she shares. Working with Liz is like manifesting what you want the universe to give you, and then actually getting it. Gracias Liz!"

    Mariana, Consultant

  • “I loved Everything about working with Liz: her help in steering the conversations and asking me the right questions, her empathetic ear and her way of summarising and following up with me so I realised how much progress we were making. I covered all areas in my coaching sessions with her: relationships, self-care, priorities, values, Motherhood, work - i.e. the motherload!  I now have clear priorities and boundaries, recognition of career choices and am more patient and compassionate with myself. You have to work with her, the time I spent with her was life changing!”

    Emma, Engagement Manager @Google

  • “Liz has made the whole process of working with her so easy. Her flexible approach acknowledges the challenges of family life. From our first chat I instantly clicked with her. Over the course of my 4 months working with her she has helped me to completely change my priorities in life and take back control. She is a fantastic coach and has become a friend along the way. She's given me the courage to achieve so much.”

    Caroline, Agricultural Consultant

  • “A book written and a new company launched!! Anything id possible when you have Liz in your corner! Unwavering support, kind and generous. Liz is an invaluable asset. She will find the potential in you that you never knew you had!

    Noelle, Business owner

  • Liz's enthusiasm for life is infectious and she's incredibly approachable and easy to talk to. She's helped me grow confidence when returning to work from maternity leave, she's helped me create action plans when working towards a promotion, she's helped me navigate uncertainty and tricky situations at work and she's helped me craft tangible goals within her vision board session. I can't thank her enough and she's most certainly my go-to for any professional or work/life challenge. Liz is incredibly professional, trustworthy and has great attention to detail.

    Lucy, Google

  • “I wasn’t sure what to expect after being gifted some sessions with Liz. All I knew was that post returning to work from maternity leave and post multiple lockdowns I was feeling a little lost and unhappy. I didn’t have a goal in mind or any clue where to start, but I knew from our first conversation that Liz was going to be a positive influence on me and my life! Liz made me feel heard, understood, less alone and I was smiling from the off. Over the course of our time together I can’t believe how much positive change I’ve felt. I have an understanding and belief in my positive attributes and strength - and I now feel so proud of them! I understand the power of talking things through and by doing it with Liz has given me the confidence to do it with other people too. I cannot recommend Liz enough! I’m so thankful to have met her and Liz, I cannot thank you enough for your support.”

    Candice, Senior Marketing Manager

  • "Everybody needs a Liz in their life! Liz is easy-going, positive, and a great person to chat about life with.  She’s a busy mum of 2, and she gets the juggle. For me, she was the perfect person to play out my challenges with. We talked about rediscovering my career to emptying the dishwasher and everything in between!  Liz helped me clear through my life fog and focus on key areas that were important to me, setting concise and achievable goals. She was so encouraging and enthusiastic. It was like having your own cheerleader! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with Liz. She’s helped me rediscover a spark for my career, believe in myself and make changes in my life I probably wouldn’t have had the courage to do on my own."

    Sarah, Senior Merchandiser

  • “I’m so pleased I found Liz! She immediately got me and what I was trying to grapple with.  Liz immediately made me feel at ease and articulated everything that was swimming around in my head. She was professional in her approach, which I valued, and she encouraged me and helped me to move forward and feel comfortable in my decisions. I really enjoyed our sessions and would highly recommend her.”

    Anne-Marie, Chartered Secretary

  • “I became a client of Liz’s when I was at a crossroads in my career and life; stuck and not knowing which way to turn next. I felt lost, lacking the confidence that I’d previously always had.  Liz was the ray of sunshine and positivity that I needed, and I looked forward to every one of our meetings, coming away feeling energised and productive. She was my very own cheerleader!  By working on taking small steps and breaking things down into mini-goals, she helped me try things, and this allowed me to get my confidence back again. I’m now in a better headspace in every area of my life.  Having Liz as a life coach has been an experience I’ll forever be grateful for. She’s just amazing!"

    Jess, Senior HR Manager

  • “Liz has helped me to realise what my true strengths are, both professionally and personally. I’ve never really acknowledged these, admitted them or celebrated them, and it’s through working with Liz that I’ve realised I’m an asset to the working world and should have more confidence in my own abilities. I initially treated my sessions with Liz as a treat to myself – a whole hour to focus on myself, my goals and my career plans – wow! But over time, I realised these weren’t an indulgence and were imperative to mapping out my next career move and my jump into self-employment.  I wouldn’t have made the steps forward that I have without Liz’s ongoing support. Thank you!”

    Kate, Marketing Manager

  • “Everyone should have a Liz in their life; someone who encourages you, believes in, and guides you.  Finding my own path in the world of work has been a great challenge for me when I am often so hard on myself and handle the slightest rejection with great failure. Liz has helped train my mind to build strength and resilience to these everyday obstacles and life challenges. I couldn't be without her.

    Laura, Creative Director

  • "I decided to work with Liz when my life was drastically changing. After a decade of living in London, I was returning to the city where I grew up. I was worried about how to create a fulfilling life for myself, especially in terms of making new friends and having an active social life. From the first session, I knew I had made the right choice in working with Liz. She helped me work out exactly what I needed to do to start creating my new life in a positive way.  I left every session with clear actions and felt motivated to complete those actions. Liz made everything feel ultra-manageable, and in the space of the three months working together, not only was I able to make massive steps towards building my new life, but I’d also been able to take empowering actions in relation to my business."

    Charelle, Marketing & Business Strategist

  • "What I loved most about working with Liz was her positive attitude, attention to detail, and the immediate outcomes/action plan to ride the wave of positivity from the session.  Liz will be your biggest fan, delve into the small details and depths of what you need and facilitate you to become the best you. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Liz to anyone."

    Kerry, Physio & Craniosacral Therapist

  • “Liz is so easy to talk to. She makes you feel instantly at ease and relaxed, and she’s genuinely excited to hear what you have to say.  When I achieved a goal or a target and shared it with Liz, her genuine happiness and enthusiasm always gave me a boost.  I loved our sessions! Liz encourages you to set yourself goals that push you out of your comfort zone. She’s incredibly supportive and amazing at what she does.  Thanks to coaching with Liz, I’m now the owner of a beautiful beauty salon with my friend… that we literally built ourselves. I’m loving being a business owner and working for myself. I’m also making sure I do more things for me.  I’ll definitely be using Liz again in the future and recommending her to anyone who wants a major change in their life.”

    Kirstie, Business Owner

  • “If I could rate my experience working with Liz as a 20 out of 10, I would.  She’s been instrumental in supporting me as I launch my new business, create a client base and get my brand into the world.  She’s kind, deeply empathetic, very astute and has a great sense of humour too!  I felt 10 feet tall after every session, and having Liz's support 'in my corner' kept me motivated and ensured I took the time to celebrate my wins. Thank you, Liz!”

    Heather, Self Leadership & Confidence Coach

  • "I can’t tell you how much of a huge impact Liz has had with assisting me with my own personal growth journey.  I trust her. She pushes me to be the best version of myself and have the belief I can make the correct choices for me.  Liz is truly inspiring. She’s knowledgeable and aware of who her clients are and their needs as an individual. She allows you to search for the answer and supports that, helping you to expand on your goals and beliefs. I can’t recommend her highly enough!"

    Nicky, Head of Sales

  • "Liz is simply wonderful. She’s made me believe in myself again… something I never thought possible. Liz enabled me to start focusing on what I was achieving in my life and to stop the self-doubt. She’s made me realise that small daily steps can help achieve huge potential goals and that it doesn’t matter if it isn’t all done perfectly. What matters is the feeling of achieving it when it is done and ticked off the list.  Above all, she’s taught me to be kinder to myself and feel like me again. I will never be able to thank Liz enough."

    Eily, Mum of two

  • "A friend of mine recommended Liz, given I was a new working mum and the amount of change I was going through. I returned to a new job post-maternity leave and during the height of COVID-19, where I remained working from home full time whilst sourcing childcare.  Liz helped me to have time dedicated to myself once a fortnight… to work through areas causing me added stress and worry. This included focusing on wellbeing, balancing being a great colleague, wife and mother, and addressing new mum guilt for loving my job and wanting to do well at that, as well as be the best mum I could be.  Liz helped me organise my thoughts and worries, and set actions to address them. This has given me structure and the ability to communicate better with those around me about what help I need. I’d highly recommend anyone in similar circumstances gets coaching support from Liz."

    Laura, Chief of Staff (HR)

  • "Liz has really helped me with the work/family life juggle by listening and asking me the right questions to elicit what I really want… and then supporting me to break down and prioritise my goals.  The result has been fantastic. I feel calmer, more organised, motivated to achieve goals, and on top of things. I’m fitting in time for myself and not making excuses. I’m happier at work and have a long-term plan. I found the experience extremely positive and I looked forward to our sessions together. I’d recommend Liz to anyone who is finding it tricky to juggle all the plates in life and make time for the things in life they really want to achieve."

    Sophie, Primary School Teacher

  • “I’ve found Liz completely makes sense of all my scrambled ideas and helps me put them into achievable goals I’m working towards.  I’ve achieved so much more since working with her, as I’m able to prioritise what’s actually important.  Mentally I’m much happier. She’s taken away so much worry and anxiety just by talking things through really clearly and listening.”

    Joanna, Managing Director (Recruitment)

  • "I’d been wanting to change my career for some time, but had no idea what I wanted to do or how to go about doing it.  Coaching with Liz was fantastic. Liz was very professional and supportive. She’s natural, warm, approachable and non-judgemental, which gave me the confidence to speak openly right from the first session.  The way Liz breaks down the process for change into bite-sized, manageable chunks made it feel less daunting and actually achievable. Liz asked the right questions to tease out my thoughts, concerns and desires, digging further when needed and easily changing direction if required. I’d definitely recommend Liz to anyone looking for support in making life changes.  Since completing the coaching with Liz, I’ve started a part-time course in an area I have a natural interest and affinity for, with the view to change my career. This was far more than I could have hoped for, and I’m really excited for the future."

    Emma, Account Manager (Design Agency)

  • “Thank you, all your help and coaching from just one session even - this Mumma has a new sense of direction and self worth!

    Suzi, Power Hour Client