20 Simple Tips for Living Well

For my recent Retreat workshop, I wanted to end with simple tips for Living Well - a nice and easy takeaway of small steps that any of us can take daily - things that are small, don’t feel huge but can make an enormous difference over time: because it’s the small steps that make the whole staircase.

So I’ve compiled a list of 20 simple habits that we can cultivate daily (if you’re not doing already) to help us live a healthier life and Live Well.

I’ve split the tips into 3 broad categories: Work/Life Admin, Physical Health and Mindset … so read on for my top 20 tips…

Work/Life Admin

  1. Spend 15 minutes on a Sunday evening prepping for the week ahead - any meetings, away days, nights out, appointments, clashes with partner/kids plans etc. It’s so much easier to tackle clashes in advance! Then plan your first focus task for Monday morning.

  2. Batch email processing into condensed windows. Depending on your industry, it may be anywhere from 1-3 windows per day.

  3. Try the Pomodoro Technique: 25 minutes on a task with no distractions, then a 5 minute break, and repeat. After x4 Pomodoros take a 30min break.

  4. Set time limits for your apps. Just go to the settings on your smartphone and add a limit.

  5. Declutter regularly.

  6. Do that one thing you’ve been putting off.

    Physical Health

  7. If possible, take the stairs.

  8. Go for a walk without your phone.

  9. Stretch in the morning. And maybe in the evening too.

  10. Drop your shoulders.

  11. Nap!

  12. Learn how to breathe deeply: in through the nose, out through the mouth, making the exhale longer than the inhale.

  13. Take time off when you are ill.


  14. Give compliments widely and freely. When you think something nice about someone, let them know.

  15. Find the things that make your eyes light up – do more of those!

  16. Taking no risk is the biggest risk you can take.

  17. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful. There is no such thing as Perfection.

  18. Make a rule to never think twice about investments in yourself. Books, quality food, fitness, and personal development all fit into this . Because these investments pay dividends for a long time. Think about material purchases instead—wait 48 hours to see if you still want it.

  19. Send a voice note instead of a text; it’s so much more personal and conveys emotion.

  20. Don’t save things for “best”. Wear them, use them – enjoy them!

You don’t have to do all of these, and you certainly don’t have to do them all at once! But take note of any of these simple tips for Living Well - the ones that sound most enjoyable to you and start there! I suggest starting with one per category and seeing how you get on … !


Ted Lasso: Life Lessons


New Year, New Mindset