EJF Client Drinks

Let’s Talk about Perception…

Thursday 13th October 2022 - My first client event! I’ve been wanting to bring my wonderful clients together for a really long time. Because I am their biggest cheerleader and I want the world to know about them and how truly wonderful they are!!! I finally managed to bring 14 of my clients together in Central London - they travelled from all over the country: Devon, Nottingham, Stratford Upon Avon, as well as North, West and South London. Everyone chatted to someone who blew them away - which means that everyone was an inspiration!


What was Super interesting is that when I was speaking to clients the morning after (*side note: If you don’t know I love a voicenote, and so I sent each client a voicenote to tell them the wonderful things I had been told about them) - that one word PERCEPTION came up a lot in their replies. This picture shows the reality of the moment we were all together - which is 15 Incredibly Amazing Women celebrating each other over a glass of wine…. But behind that is the feelings beforehand that are hard to perceive from this photo….

You would never know it, but:

  • There is a woman in this picture who was almost sick the night before with nerves

  • There is a woman in this picture that had to give herself a serious pep-talk outside to walk into the room

  • There is a woman in this picture who wasn’t sure that she fitted in around the table

  • There is a woman in this picture terrified that she had nothing to say

  • There is a woman in this picture who didn’t want to talk about the book she had written

That woman who was brave enough to talk about her newly written book to strangers left the night with a contact to publish it!!! And that was what the night was ALL about - because these women took the opportunity in front of them, felt the fear but did it anyway, they walked through that door and joined in - and they left empowered and inspired! With new contacts to boost their network in both theor social and work spheres.

People can look at this picture and think these women totally have it together - and we do some of the time, but no one does all the time! We also doubt ourselves and question whether we fit at this table, but everyone more than was worthy of their seat

Each woman inspired someone else with their story, although they struggle to see how inspiring they are themselves - and that is why I do what I do. I LOVE helping women grow and glow with confidence, I empower them to believe in themselves, motivating them to step out of their comfort zone and to seize the opportunities that come their way.

The feedback I received was really fabulous and I’m proud of myself for getting all these women in one space - So I’m busy planning the next one - watch this space…… March 2023 I’m looking at you!

“It was SO fab and so great to meet all the amazing women!”

“Just incredible”

“Everyone was so lovely!”

“Such a fantastic group of women.”

“It was SO inspiring!”

“It was such a wonderful evening! A really positive night.”


2022 Reflections…


Mojofit X EJF Coaching: Balance & Restore Retreat