7 Key Pieces of Advice for Everyday Life

Top tips to adopt in life

I’ve been thinking for a while about the key pieces of advice that I share with my clients, and that people have shared with me, and I have finally managed to boil it down to the 7 below. Follow these and I think you can’t go far wrong!

They are good reminders to have, so if you like them keep this blog post safe and refer back to it whenever you you’re feeling stuck. . .

1. Motivation comes from the inside

No one can give it to you, but no one can take it away. The feelings of purpose and accomplishment are by themselves, a powerful internal reward.
Even if we don’t get any external rewards, these feelings prove that our effort is worth something, and we feel proud of our accomplishments. In turn, this makes us want to accomplish more, boosting intrinsic motivation!


2. Consistency + motivation is unstoppable

It's undeniable that consistency leads to results. The fact is that any goal does take time to accomplish. If you can be consistent with your efforts over a long period, results will follow. Add in the intrinsic motivation above and you can be unstoppable. Motivation can go up and down still so being consistent is key and the solution to that is to to develop a routine. Together then, consistency and motivation IS unstoppable.

3. Perspective changes everything

Changing your perspective changes your attitude toward whatever life can throw at you. When all else fails to fix the problem, change your perspective, look for the positives – always; as the things we see depend a lot on the way we see things.  When something doesn’t go to plan, ask yourself the question: “What can I learn from this? What’s the opportunity right here?” Flip reverse it as I like to say, try seeing things from another angle and see how that changes the way things look.

4. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not someone else today

If you are evaluating your worth by comparing yourself to others, that’s a game you won’t win - because there will always be someone who can do something better than you. You will start with one comparator but likely then move on to another and then another, and it’s a lose/lose situation. But if you compare yourself to you yesterday, or last week, or last month and see how your perfectionism/self esteem/productivity has improved – then all of a sudden it’s a game you can win and you see your progress.


5. Done is better than perfect

There is no such thing as perfect, moving forwards is better than standing still. It is more important to finish the task then get every detail spot on. Getting something done is overwhelmingly satisfying and allows you to cross off your list and move onto the next. Done doesn’t mean over, you can go back and refine if you want/need but if you focus on getting things done, rather than done perfectly, you’ll make way more progress and feel that you have achieved more.


6. Being nice is a superpower

Channel your inner Michelle Obama “When they go low, we go high”.  We can choose our words and our behaviour so that we gain a reputation for being nice - great to work with, great to work for AND a great person to be around. You can be nice AND strong, nice AND effective, nice AND respected.  Kindness knows no boundaries. It is a universal language understood by all, so be nice and kind always – it IS a superpower.


7. It’s good to rest

Rest is productive! Resting is not only an essential part of our body’s physical recovery but it is a crucial component in maintaining our mental health too. We need to slow down in order to be able to speed up. By prioritising rest, you’re prioritising your yourself, your family and your work/other commitments. A rested mind and body will show up more energised, focused, and prepared to tackle challenges and tasks that you face on a daily basis.

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Liz Francis | Life Coach 💫 (@ejfcoaching) • Instagram photos and videos


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